Frequently Asked Questions

What is Revive Your Life Physical Therapy and Wellness all about?

Revive Your Life Physical Therapy and Wellness seeks to bridge the gap in care for those suffering from musculoskeletal injuries throughout the body, including TMJ and orofacial pain and headache and migraines, through the conservative treatments of physical therapy and myofunctional therapy. We know that there is limited assistance out there for those suffering and are dedicating our time and resources into expanding our knowledge and treatment to those who are those suffering from these plaguing disorders.

What areas do you service?

Majority of Hillsborough County in the Tampa, FL region. If you are outside of this region, please reach out to see if we can accommodate you.

If you are out of the area, we also now offer virtual care for your convenience!

Where will I receive my treatment?

Revive Your Life Physical Therapy and Wellness is a concierge level of service that comes to your home and work place to provide care.

We can accommodate a virtual telehealth visit if you should prefer.

What should I expect day one for an in-person session?

Medical history and intake forms will be completed prior to the session ahead of time so that the therapist can dedicate your full time to assessment. The therapist will travel to your home and perform a comprehensive evaluation to help diagnose and treat your problem. Treatment will be administered and a brief home program will be provided to get you started. It is recommended you where loose, comfortable clothing that can easily expose the neck, upper back, and shoulders. Payment is due prior to the start of the session.

Do I need a referral?

In the state of Florida, you can be treated by a licensed physical therapist for 30 days before a referral is needed. Should one need to be obtained, you can acquire one from your primary care doctor or your therapist can reach out on your behalf.

A referral will not be required for a wellness/coaching session.

Do you take my insurance?

We are not in network with insurance and have chosen to practice independently of managed healthcare networks. This allows the therapist to spend the appropriate amount of time to fully assess the problems you are dealing with, discuss impairments associated with your disorder, and provide quality treatment to improve outcomes for each patient. Further, this allows all sessions to be one on one treatment without restrictions on visit limit or type of treatment given. At the conclusion of your treatment session, a superbill can be provided which you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. Reimbursement is not guaranteed.

What payment do you accept?

We accept Visa, Discover, American Express, Mastercard, check, HSA account, or cash.

Cancellation Policy?

We know your time is valuable, just as ours. Due to limited appointment times and high demand, there will be a $25 charge for cancellations less than 24 hours in advance.

Contact us
(813) 773-5433