Conditions Treated

Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders


Do you have TMJ or TMD?

TMJ and Orofacial Pain


Treatments implemented to address masticatory muscle disorders, disc derangement (with and without reduction), or degenerative joint related problem. Signs and symptoms may include but not limited to: jaw, ear, neck, and shoulder pain, facial or tooth pain, headache, migraine, tinnitus, limitations in jaw opening, jaw clicking/popping, jaw locking, dizziness, vertigo, clenching/grinding of the teeth.

Orofacial myofunctional Disorders (OMD)


Orofacial myofunctional disorders include specific conditions or behaviors that can have a negative impact on oral postures and functions such as breathing, chewing, and swallowing. Some signs and symptoms of an OMD include mouth breathing, tongue thrust swallow, TMJ dysfunction, teeth clenching/grinding, tongue/lip ties, orthodontic relapse, and many more.



Often onset from neck, jaw, or postural related conditions. Can presents as tension type with tightness in the muscles in the back of the skull and neck region. These symptoms may also produce feelings of dizziness or feeling “off”.

Arthritis/joint pain/post operative


Arthritis changes are a normal part of aging, but the pain we go through isn’t! We are skilled in treatment of arthritic conditions whether it is preoperatively or post operatively.

Cervical/thoracic/ dysfunctions


All cervical and thoracic related dysfunctions. Signs and symptoms may include but not limited to: stiffness, pain, range of motion loss, decreased mobility, weakness, numbness and tingling in an extremity, poor posture, radiating pain, joint popping/clicking.

Contact us.

Complete the form on the right side of the screen so we can schedule a time to chat on the phone about what it is you are seeking help for and figure out if you are a good fit for this treatment.