Manual therapy is hands on treatment we provide to address a number of issues of the targeted body part. These techniques such as joint mobilization, can help improve mobility and movement in the joint and extremity as well as wake up receptors at the joint that activate pain relief pathways from our brain. This body work can also consist of stretching and tissue mobilization techniques to help lengthen tissues and fascia in order to integrate whole body release.

We use manual therapy techniques for several different conditions. Commonly used on in the orofacial cavity (internally and externally) around the jaw. The cervical spine or neck are a common area as well and these techniques help improve the natural movement of the cervical vertebra that are often tight and restriction and very common cause of headache, neck pain, and jaw pain. There are also various useful methods used to increase the movement of your jaw to allow you to open and close easily with less pain or limitation.

Body work is one of the most important aspects of treatment when address TMJ issues and oral tissue restrictions such as tongue ties. The body is in a constant state of change as treatment occurs and it is necessary to assist the body to heal and adjust to the changes being imposed.

Manual Therapy & Body Work